2022 Universal Registration Document

R i sk and r i sk management

Risk factors

2 - C: SAFETY AND SECURITY RISKS In a turbulent global geopolitical context, marked by an ever-changing threat of terrorism or attacks by third countries, Groupe ADP may be exposed to malicious acts on people, its facilities or on the assets it operates. Criticality +++ Change in 2022 Detailed description of the risk factor

Potential effects for the Group — Deaths, injuries to employees and passengers — Operational unavailability of facilities and assets — Financial and reputational consequences


The facilities and assets operated by Groupe ADP, or by operators who use its infrastructure, its personnel and the public could be targets of external attacks or malicious acts of any kind. The possible consequences of their occurrence could result in damages to persons and property and interruptions in the operation of facilities, thereby putting the continuity of the group’s business activities at risk. Such acts may damage the Group’s reputation and adversely affect not only the traffic on the airports it manages but also its retail activities, and in general, its financial position and prospects. Likewise, social and political risks or terrorist attacks in countries where the Group operates could negatively affect their attractiveness and have repercussions on their air traffic levels, thereby altering the Group’s financial position.

Interconnected risks — Cybersecurity risks — Risks related to portfolio management — Aviation safety risks

MAIN RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Faced with these risks, Groupe ADP has undertaken, in France in particular, in addition to its sovereign delegated airport security missions, actions aiming at protecting its infrastructures, particularly landside, in collaboration with the relevant services of the State. Business continuity plans are drawn up. Audits and inspections are regularly carried out by the various authorities

to verify the security system and its compliance with applicable standards. Crisis exercises are organised to address the threat. The international platforms have also set up security systems according to their field of responsibility. Nevertheless, the Group operates in countries where the risk, largely exogenous, remains high and requires constant strengthening of control systems.


3 - A: RISKS RELATED TO NETWORK MANAGEMENT Groupe ADP faces challenges with respect to the robustness of its key networks (electricity, energy, water, IT and telecommunications). Criticality ++ Change in 2022 Detailed description of the risk factor In 2022, the traffic recovery took place at a faster pace than initially anticipated.

Potential effects for the Group — Irreversible loss of data in the event of failure or shutdown of the IS — Increased number of operating situations in degraded mode

Groupe ADP therefore had to face challenges involving the robustness of its key networks to monitor this rapid increase in traffic (electricity, energy, water, IT and telecommunications) and thus: — guarantee the regulatory compliance of infrastructures and equipment; — maintain its infrastructures in operational condition; — preserve the continuity of its services. A significant failure of the Group’s key networks could indeed disturb or even interrupt the operational activity of its platforms.

— Temporary cessation of activity — Damage to image/reputation — Financial debt Interconnected risks — Risks related to quality of service — Cybersecurity risks — Safety and security risks

— Risks related to portfolio management — Risks related to the management of major projects

MAIN RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS The Group has back-up equipment, performs preventive maintenance on its equipment and makes dedicated investments that contribute to the robustness of the networks on which it

depends. However, the challenge for Groupe ADP remains to gradually adapt its networks to the management of fuel efficiency and the decarbonization of air transport.



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